British Academy v.37 onwards today.  These proceedings have mostly to do with various aspects of English culture, language and history.  With occasional essays on other topics.

upcoming & current projects

Currently I have a few ongoing projects that are fairly interesting.

First is the continuing retrospective conversion of older library materials (cataloging them in the online catalog). Mostly they are analytics these days, the easier monographs are largely online. Analytics are when you catalog every chapter/article in a book, they are usually proceedings, journals that are so broad in subject that each title needs individual attention, etc. Working on two large sets at this time: Proceedings of the British Academy & the German language set mentioned earlier.

Other projects include retrocon of our master negative microfilms (ones we produced locally & hold the master copy for preservation) & gifts donated to the library (mostly art, graphic novels, children’s books, & old state government reports).

Upcoming project that I’m really looking forward to is cataloging the remaining books for the Botanical Gardens.

Below is another pic from the German set (name forthcoming)


Been ages but thought I’d try this again now that im back in WA, the storage library. I like dealing with the older books, the reveal interesting tidbits about culture and the times in which they were written. Also the occasional cool picture.

This is from the current analytic title I’m working through. German language science articles. Have a long way to go so better get back to it for now.